Putting Together The Pieces

A Guide to the STARL Metaverse.


The STARL Hub will be where you spawn in the metaverse — the center where you can access all the metaverse has to offer. Users will hop through portals in the hub to access various parts of the STARL universe. Portals can be thought of as teleporters to different areas and activities. Some portals will go to big games (such as Warp Nexus), others to the Arena for events, your Living Module, the Arcade, and more. The STARL Marketplace will connect to and integrate with the hub and its features.


The Warp Nexus game sits separate from Living Modules, the Arena, and the Arcade. It is its own major game, accessible through a portal from the STARL Hub. Warp Nexus, however, is its own entire universe, sitting just outside of the STARL Metaverse universe. Unlike games in the Arcade, it is incredibly large, expansive, and goes beyond Arcade game structures, having its own in-game economy and universe. That being said, elements of the STARL Metaverse, such as design and themes, will crossover. The Warp Nexus economy will stay within its own boundaries, but can connect to our marketplace to acquire assets, with $STARL being used for trading assets that are within the game. Warp Nexus is the first of many games, and the first to have its own portal.

The STARL Arena

The STARL Arena is in the metaverse universe and will have a portal from the STARL Hub. It will be connected to the economy of the STARL Metaverse, but will not be within the Warp Nexus or other game universes. The Marketplace will be able to connect to the Arena for buying tickets to shows and other event-related merchandise.

Living Module by @impeccablezz

Living modules exist within the STARL Metaverse universe, with a portal for users to access their own from the STARL Metaverse hub. These are virtual living spaces within the metaverse, and will also connect to the STARL Marketplace.


The Arcade (or as we are now affectionately calling it, Starcade), will host minigames in the metaverse. A portal in the hub will allow you to access The Starcade, just like Warp Nexus and Living Modules. “To The Moon!”, the minigame Shahid is making, will be the first game featured in it, with more to come. The Wyrmbyte team are designing the Starcade to look like an 80s style retro arcade room, with minigames you can walk up to and play. The marketplace will connect to the Starcade, allowing you to buy ticket packages for a certain number of plays (i.e., 25, 50, 100 plays). If you don’t want to connect to these games via the metaverse, you can also play them from the “Play” section in the STARL Marketplace on your browser. A Leaderboard of top players and everyone’s scores will be displayed in the Play section of the Marketplace, with the top players winning prizes and being rewarded regularly.

Starl Metaverse Marketplace

The STARL Marketplace can be accessed through the user’s browser on either desktop or mobile. It does not exist inside the metaverse yet, but does connect to, and integrate with, various parts of it. Currently, there is no specific portal for the marketplace in the metaverse hub, however, this may be possible in the future.

Satellite by @Kevin_Schow

Satellites (SATEs), Living Modules, and Pixelnauts are the STARL branded NFTs accessible from the Marketplace. Pixelnauts will be used as avatars in the metaverse and marketplace on both sides and come with various perks, yet to be announced. Whenever a game developer creates a game, whether a big game or a game within the Starcade, they have the choice to use interactions with Pixelnauts however they want, making these a very valuable asset as STARL grows.


Join the conversation on the Official Discord or Telegram for Warp Nexus by Wyrmbyte. For more information on the STARL Metaverse Project, visit STARL Overview.

